UNICEF continue à innover dans les crypto-monnaies et crée le Boost Token
Pour encourager la communauté des crypto-enthousiastes à s’engager pour des causes humanitaires, UNICEF Innovation et le Bounties Network lancent un nouveau token.
Avec le Boost Token, les crypto-enthousiastes peuvent accroître leur impact positif. Le lancement de ce token sera officialisé par UNICEF Innovation et le Bounties Network à l’ETHDenver, une conférence qui se tiendra du 15 au 17 février aux États-Unis. Lors des hackathons qui auront lieu pendant ces trois jours, les participants seront invités à engranger des Boost Tokens en contribuant à des actions d’intérêt général.
Si UNICEF a créé ce token, c’est pour encourager sur le long terme les initiatives en faveur des autres, aussi bien à l’échelle locale qu’à l’échelle mondiale. Les « bonnes actions » accomplies sont récompensées et valorisées dans la sphère numérique. Les développeurs, les créatifs, les artistes et tous les membres de la communauté crypto-enthousiaste pourront mettre en avant leurs actions positives : accomplir une mission de tutorat ou créer un logiciel qui contribue à la réalisation d’un Objectif de développement durable revient à gagner des Boost Tokens.
Ceux-ci n’ont pas de valeur monétaire, l’objectif poursuivi étant de développer des communautés tournées vers l’entraide et la solidarité plutôt que vers l’enrichissement personnel. S’appuyant sur la technologie blockchain ethereum, les Boost Tokens contribueront à ce que chacun puisse s’impliquer pour un monde meilleur. Les tokens ainsi gagnés permettent de rencontrer des personnalités influentes ou de disposer d’un accès exclusif à certains événements.
Announcing the Token Name and Bounties at ETHDenver
The Boost Token
Boosting efforts that make the world a better place
UNICEF France, in collaboration with the Bounties Network and UNICEF Ventures, is launching the Boost Token, a prototype of a positive action token project at ETHDenver. This pilot is designed to encourage hackathon attendees to participate in a variety of bounties across the two days and make a positive impact within their community — both in the local and broader ecosystem.
The Boost Token is part of a much wider project that will continue across UNICEF Ventures events throughout 2019. The main focus of this initiative is long term incentivization of individual contributions to improving communities locally and globally while accruing a digital public acknowledgement of their positive actions.
The decision to launch the project at ETHDenver was influenced by two major factors:
a) it kick starts the Ethereum event calendar for 2019
b) the event’s commitment to diversity and inclusivity
As this year marks the kickstart of the Impact Track at ETHDenver, we are excited to present the Boost Token (BST) to a varied and exciting audience made up of developers, designers, cypher punks, artists, musicians and many other buidlers.
What is Boost Token?
The name for the token was chosen through a bounty as we wanted to involve the community from the very beginning. We will also setup a design bounty, paying out in BST, to crowdsource a logo illustrating the meaning and mission of our initiative.
Properly digitally engaged individuals make vibrant and sustainable communities. This token-based project seeks to incentivize members to create digital public goods by contributing to the blockchain community in a variety of ways. These contributions can enable new solutions to be created, giving individuals access to new data or services that couldn’t be accessed before.
Through blockchain-based bounties, people have the opportunity to propose and get involved with public good initiatives. The bounties will have rewards set in BST which will be redeemable for a range of benefits. The tokens do not have any monetary value, and will never appear on any token exchanges.
The project seeks to encourage individuals and communities to contribute to the fulfillment of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to earn tokens, which will grant recipients value-driven benefits such as early access to events, mentorship sessions, incubator-style support and more.
At ETHDenver, the exploration of incentivization will be broader than digital contributions, allowing participants to earn tokens by recording various verifiable acts of impact. Tokens can be earned through activities like mentoring youth, building software that focuses on solving a UN SDG, or other activities that make a positive impact, such as cleaning up rubbish or helping someone carry boxes.
The ultimate goal of this ongoing UNICEF x Bounties Network project is to stimulate individual contributions to improving communities locally and globally while accruing a digital public acknowledgement of their positive actions.
How Does it Work
Earn tokens by:
● Completing impact bounties
● Being rewarded for an act that makes a positive impact
● Participating in impact tracks at events
What to redeem tokens for?
Use tokens for:
● Mentorship access
● Qualifying for future incubator tracks
● Early-bird access to certain events
Together we can give our communities a boost.